
Spermatoceles are also known as spermatic cysts. They are fluid-filled masses, often painless, and they grow near the testicles on the epididymis (tube that stores sperm). They tend to be benign (not cancerous). These cysts are found near the top and behind the testicle, but are separate from the testicle. They can be smooth, filled with a whitish, cloudy fluid and most often hold sperm. Their size can vary. If their size becomes a bother or causes pain, there are some ways to fix the problem. As a rule of thumb, they are not a serious medical issue.


The male reproductive tract handles the growth, maturation and delivery of sperm. Faults in the male reproductive tract can cause a mass to grow. If a mass forms in the scrotum, it may mean nothing, or it could be a sign of something serious. A set course of action is needed to learn the nature of the mass and the best treatment. For example, if the mass is testicular cancer, it is a source of great concern and requires action. Other masses, such as varicoceles, can cause pain or harm reproductive function. Spermatoceles are most often not cancerous, and do not increase your risk of testicular cancer, but they may be a nuisance.

What are the symptoms of spermatoceles?

Men with spermatoceles usually have no symptoms. However, when associated symptoms are present, they may include scrotal heaviness and/or dull discomfort but usually not sharp pain.

How are spermatoceles diagnosed?

Spermatoceles are often found during a man's testicular self-exam, or by a doctor at a health exam. Self-exams should be done at least once a month. Your doctor can show you the right technique. If you note any suspicious changes, such as larger size or unusual firmness, you should call your doctor.

Light can be shined through a spermatocele. This generally shows if the mass looks like a solid tumor or a benign (not cancerous) cyst. Ultrasound (a test using sound waves to make images of organs) is a better way to check a cyst. This method is relatively quick, noninvasive and inexpensive.

How are spermatoceles treated?

Since these cysts, as a rule of thumb, do not cause pain and are often not noticed, they rarely need treatment. The basic care for spermatoceles without pain is observation. But some men do have symptoms such as bothersome size or pain. When treatment is needed, there are many choices:


Medical therapy: Oral pain or anti-swelling drugs may be used to ease pain caused by spermatoceles. No other type of medical therapy is needed. There is no drug to cure or prevent spermatoceles.

Minimally invasive therapies: Aspiration and sclerotherapy are two treatments that are available, but are not often used.

  • Aspiration involves puncturing the spermatocele with a needle and drawing out its contents.
  • Sclerotherapy involves injecting an irritating agent into the spermatocele sac. This causes it to heal or scar closed. This lowers the odds of fluid pooling again.

Surgical therapy: Spermatocelectomy has been the standard treatment of symptomatic spermatoceles and involves surgical removal of the spermatocele from the adjoining epididymal tissue. The overall goal of surgical therapy is removal of the spermatocele with preservation of the continuity of the male reproductive tract. This an outpatient procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia and usually takes less than one hour to perform. Sometimes, the epididymis is removed as well when a spermatocelectomy is performed.

Sp3.jpgWhat can be expected after surgical treatment?

You will likely be sent home with a pressure dressing like an athletic supporter filled with fluffy gauze. The support is worn for one to two weeks after surgery. Ice packs can be used for two to three days to help with swelling. Drugs for pain are often taken for one to two days after surgery. You can shower 48 hours after surgery.

A follow-up visit with your surgeon is often scheduled between one and three weeks later. Scrotal swelling is normal and typically lasts for 2 to 21 days. Side effects from surgery are not common, but can involve fever, infection, bleeding (scrotal hematoma) and lasting pain. Spermatoceles can come back in about 10 out of 25 cases. Blockage of the epididymis may also occur, which can lead to problems with fertility. For these reasons, surgery should be avoided in men who still want children. Talk to your doctor to find the best solution for you.

Frequently asked questions:

Do spermatoceles lead to testicular cancer?

Spermatoceles are benign epididymal lesions. They are separate and distinct from the testicle. Patients with spermatoceles do not have an identified increased risk of testicular cancer.

Are any medications available to cure my spermatocele or prevent the formation of additional ones?

Medications are available to treat associated discomfort or pain, but no medication will lead to resolution or prevention of spermatoceles.

How often should I perform scrotal self-exams?

These exams should be performed at least once per month. Your physician can instruct you in the specific technique. If you detect any suspicious changes, such as increasing size or unusual firmness of scrotal structures, contact your physician.

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Portions of this content provided courtesy & permission of the American
Urological Association Foundation, and is current as of 3/2024. 
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